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Import of certain ChordPro files fails
OK, I have had a look at your attached file and the website - I can see one obvious issue with the website file - The Chordpro specification syntax reserves square brackets "[ ]" exclusively for CHORDS, however, in the website files there are lots of "non-chord" items - dashes, commas and even the word "INTRO:" enclosed in square brackets.

Regardless - most of these should still compile OK, Chorpro will just display them in "Chord" format.

However, your extracted file shows even more issues with added vertical bars and spaces inside the square brackets - e.g. "[| D |]" which do not show in the website version. Chordpro does not allow spaces inside the square brackets, if there are the compiler will fail. It happens in every App for Chordpro files I have ever used. 

There are also some instances in the website files where there are square brackets with a single space "[ ]" these also will not compile correctly.

You should also be aware that not all Apps use the full (or latest) Chordpro syntax - what compiles OK in one App may not do so in another!  

itsme pid='29783' dateline='1596353537']I'm supporting a guy who just starts providing his fakebook in ChordPro format.
The whole book as one big ChordPro file is not the way MSP is intended to be used, so I extracted some of the songs from the file for initial tests.

The import of those files into MSP fails badly, both using "import local file" as "batch import".
Sciurius' ChordPro reference implementation from chordpro.org renders them correctly.
Any advice what's wrong with those files?
An example is attached.[/quote]

Messages In This Thread
Import of certain ChordPro files fails - by itsme - 08-02-2020, 05:32 PM
RE: Import of certain ChordPro files fails - by Little-Uke - 08-02-2020, 08:10 PM

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