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Scrolling speed
Hi there!

Even when I choose the slowest speed for the automatic scrolling speed, it's too fast for me
I don't want to use breaks, I prefer to have a slow and continuous scrolling

I've tried to enter a fixed time for the song, but the problem is if I start the scrolling later in the song, it's not the same speed
Not sure if I'm clear; if I fixed 3mn for the song, and I start scrolling at the middle of the song, it will slow the speed so half of the song will scroll in 3mn

Do you have a solution for me?
I only have to scroll a few songs as most of mine are single page.

For those I do need to scroll, I now place a button half way down the page (caption "Scroll") to remind me to start scrolling when convenient (actually, it is a Start/Stop Scrolling but I onlyt use it to start).
You don't need a button because you could set a screen area to control the scolling - I use the button because it reminds me that this song does need scrolling.

Choose the Scroll settings to "Scroll Continuously To End" (I only have 2 pages max), Pause duration 8 (or what you want) and "Slowest"
For the Display Mode (in Song Settings of 4th icon from left at the bottom of the overlay)uncheck "Use default mode for song" and set "Display Mode" to "Vertical Scrolling" 

Before this, I used to set a Pause duration of about 160 seconds; this allowed me to start scrolling as I started the song.
The problem was that, as the bottom of the page approached, I could never remember if I had actually started the scroll (Mike has indicated that he might add a visible indication to show that scrolling is active).

If you have more than 2 pages then you could have a button on each page but I think your best bet is to use a touch area ("Settings\TouchArea Settings") to start/stop as suits (really depends on whether you have a spare hand). Alternatively, you could use a foot pedal to trigger it (use the "Scroll and Turn" options "if at Top/Bottom" of page); this  will allow you to scroll or move to the next song in a setlist

These are just suggestions - you obviously need to find what works best for you

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
You could use the scroll option to use the metronome and set it to an extremely low BPM to see if that gets you the scroll speed you want. I'll have to add another option at some point so users can type in a specific scroll speed (it would have to be density independent pixels per second which may be hard to understand, or I could have it be a percentage where 100% is the "Medium" scroll speed).

Using the metronome to control the scrolling sounds amazing. It would be nice if the scroll speed could adjust based on the number of beats per page (regardless of whether the metronome is active).

I have a song that's 8 pages long but I don't have a spare finger or toe to turn pages. The first page has 24 beats, most of the pages have 36, and the last two have 64 (and they are supposed to be played slightly slower). Initially, I tried using scrolling, but the 7th page scrolls off screen before I've played all of it. Then I tried using the metronome to turn the page after a specified number of beats. That works okay but it turns the whole page all at once instead of scrolling or incrementing the page a certain amount. If I get off somewhere (because the song is a bit more fluid) the page won't turn when I need it to.

Surface Pro 7 with MSP
I would prefer the beats for a page (or the scroll time for a page) to start when the transition between the previous page and the current page is just above the center of the screen. And the last beat for the page would occur when the transition between the current page and the next page gets to the middle of the screen.

Surface Pro 7 with MSP

While not what you want, a possible workaround (especially if it is only one song) would be to duplicate the page order 
(Edit Song, Files, Page Order) so that pages are duplicated e.g. change 1-8 to 1-6, 7, 7, 8, 8

Now crop the duplicated page 7 and 8 so that they are roughly 36 beats per page (effectively standardising on 36 beats per page).
Set the song to "Vertical Scrolling" and "Scroll continuously to End".
Provide an initial delay to compensate for the first page being only 24 beats.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
Interesting idea. It almost works except that the scrolling seems to move the music at a certain rate (it scrolls 5 inches per minute or Y% of screen in X seconds) rather than a percentage of the page per X seconds. So because the duplicate pages (after they are cropped) take up the same screen space as the whole page, the automatic scrolling scrolls through it in the same amount of time as the other pages. 

You did get me thinking though. If I duplicate each page a few times and then crop each duplicate to a single line, then I can set the metronome up with the number of beats per line and have the metronome turn the 'pages'. Using vertical scrolling I can still see three lines (pages) at a time and each time the metronome turns the 'page' it increments the song one line at a time. That seems to work reasonably well.

Surface Pro 7 with MSP

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