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Metronome visual representation
Not supposed to be a cross-post but I suddenly realized this would better belong here...

The visual LED Beat representation disturbs me somehow (all LEDs are cleared between beat 4 and 1 creating a seemingly additional beat) and makes the 1. beat harder to catch. I checked many times - the counting is accurate but it just does not feel that way...

As I like the representation of the different beats it would be nice to really just have the last three bars cleared upon reaching beat 1 again.

Perhaps it would be also good to see a "big" colored changing number on each beat say in the upper left corner indicating: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2.... perhaps with the option to give the first beat a different color (say red) to make it stand out even when not really watching the number closely....

All of that of course for a 4/4 beat - the metronome would need to adjust to lets say a 3/4 beat...
So you would rather have the first beat/LED always be visible after the first time it's shown but don't clear the other LEDs until it loops back to the first beat? I can certainly look into making that change, although it would be good to get some feedback from other users if they would prefer this.

I would also like to hear feedback on the idea of putting the beat number inside the LED. I guess I might have to add some additional options to control this as well as an option for whether or not the first LED is colored differently.  I think if I draw the beat number in the LED, it would probably be best if it was centered in the LED and almost as tall as it so it's easier to read (with a bolded font).

(04-19-2018, 01:55 AM)Zuberman Wrote: So you would rather have the first beat/LED always be visible after the first time it's shown but don't clear the other LEDs until it loops back to the first beat? I can certainly look into making that change, although it would be good to get some feedback from other users if they would prefer this.

I would also like to hear feedback on the idea of putting the beat number inside the LED. I guess I might have to add some additional options to control this as well as an option for whether or not the first LED is colored differently.  I think if I draw the beat number in the LED, it would probably be best if it was centered in the LED and almost as tall as it so it's easier to read (with a bolded font).

Concerning LEDs: I think like you describe it would be better. Although I admit that is my feeling (and at least one other user that made that suggestion already in another thread...) I struggle somehow getting the first beat right as it is now...  Other users opinion would be of course very helpful

Concerning the numbers: I imagine something like in this video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6mfc1a266yd00...2.mp4?dl=0
but just the colored numbers perhaps (optionally) to use less view space...

Credits go to the author  of this great Metronome app - he does an awesome job.
I've changed the implementation to match what you are describing with the LEDs. You can see if you like it better with the next update. As for the big colored changing number, I'm going to need more feedback on that before moving forward with anything. Are you wanting just a number in leiu of the LEDs, or in addition to? If you want that as a different visualization option (instead of LEDs), I can certainly look into doing that.

(04-19-2018, 06:38 AM)Zuberman Wrote: I've changed the implementation to match what you are describing with the LEDs. You can see if you like it better with the next update. As for the big colored changing number, I'm going to need more feedback on that before moving forward with anything. Are you wanting just a number in leiu of the LEDs, or in addition to? If you want that as a different visualization option (instead of LEDs), I can certainly look into doing that.


As it is a big difference in visualisation (I hope the video was helpful in demonstrating) I would vote for an new/additional visualisation instead of LEDs.

What you not see in the video is the option to show the measures already completed also counting. Like that (smaller number - actual measures, bigger colored number - beat in the actual measure):



This might be useful for some people - I use it seldom
You said that "the 1. beat harder to catch".  My question is, why is it so important to do so?

I show a single metronome flash at the correct number of bpm for the piece- no colour change or numbers.  That way, I can make any flash I like the first beat - and no worries about time signature either.

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
Well, playing with the band I find it easier to have a distinct beat "1" to easily realize when we are getting ahead or behind speedwise. Then I imagine other occasions where it might be of advantage to know the exact beat your playing (rehearsing more complex rhythms...)

The flash around the whole page somehow seemed not so precise to me (perhaps its the glow/fade effect) and distracted me more than the metronome visual in the upper left corner...
For me, the only use I have for the metronome is to give me the tempo to count the band in, so there is no need to know where the downbeat is - it's wherever I choose it to be.  Once the band is playing, the metronome is of no further use Smile .

Although I used the term 'flash', I didn't intend to imply I was using the mode that flashes around the page.  I have a single disc in the top LH corner.

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
McConnor - please test v2.1.6 when you get a chance to let me know if you like the new metronome behavior better.

Ok, I did test it now - side by side with the old implementation and for me the new version works much better! The clearing of all LEDs in the old implementation always made me "wait" for beat "1" to reappear creating some hickup somehow. Now the dissapearing of the three later LEDs seamlessly leads to beat 1. Works fine! What do the others think?

The new icon also makes an up-to-date impression on the user reflecting the superb capabilities of this great program much better than the old one... Smile
IMO, there's SO many charts that change meter that having a dedicated "1" in 4/4 wouldn't make sense because if per chance you have a 3/4 bar, 6/4 bar, or even 2/4 bar anywhere in the song, your "1" wouldn't be "1" anymore.

There's never been a session or live gig I've been on that had an accented "1" ... not including the count off, of course.
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.
(05-02-2018, 02:36 PM)dallaskruse Wrote: IMO, there's SO many charts that change meter that having a dedicated "1" in 4/4 wouldn't make sense because if per chance you have a 3/4 bar, 6/4 bar, or even 2/4 bar anywhere in the song, your "1" wouldn't be "1" anymore.

There's never been a session or live gig I've been on that had an accented "1" ... not including the count off, of course.

That's right - but there are also SO many that do not change meter. In fact most of the songs that are for singing along e.g. At church are that way. It's nice to have the choice of many different visual representations...
I haven't tried this yet ... but if it's NOT a feature, I wonder if others could use this.

To have the visual metronome synced across all Slave tablets. I wonder if the sync would be able to have all visual "ticks" of the metronome be in total synchronization across the tablets that are slaved ... would save from having to have Clicks in our in-ear monitors.

just a .02
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.
(04-24-2018, 04:38 PM)McConnor Wrote: Ok, I did test it now - side by side with the old implementation and for me the new version works much better! The clearing of all LEDs in the old implementation always made me "wait" for beat "1" to reappear creating some hickup somehow. Now the dissapearing of the three later LEDs seamlessly leads to beat 1. Works fine! What do the others think?

The new icon also makes an up-to-date impression on the user reflecting the superb capabilities of this great program much better than the old one... Smile

I don't like the present system for the visual metronome. To my way of thinking, beat 1 is the most important beat of the bar,yet the present system puts the least emphasis on beat 1. With beat 1 always being present, it never "appears" as the other beats do. I'd prefer it the old way or, if we stick with the present format,  

1) beat 1 turns a different color when it is beat 1
2) that beat 1 disappears when beat 4 appears so you will actually see beat 1 appear at the right time.

I am struggling to understand a visual metronome that does nothing visual for beat 1 of the bar.  

Perhaps, in the same way that one can choose the sound of the metronome and the choose to emphasize the first beat, perhaps there could be away to choose between the original  metronome display and the present display.  

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