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Displaying filelist |
Posted by: minktor - Yesterday, 06:49 PM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
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is ist possible, to get a list of the compositions at the Display looking like:
Bach J.S. OrganPrelude xxx
Mozart W.A. Sonata yy
Longnamedcomposer X. Opus 22
similar using tabs in in Word ?
While andriod is using an proportional-font
using spaces i get an flutterset.
I would like to have something as
Bach J.S. OrganPrelude xxx
Mozart W.A. Sonata yy
Longnamedcomposer X. Opus 22
Thanks for answer
mink tor
Tag a page in a set list? |
Posted by: jtoon86 - Yesterday, 09:06 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android) Discussion
- Replies (5)
I have a few books that I'd like to store in Mobilesheets as the full book vs breaking out into songs. When I add the book to a set list, is it possible to (per set list) have it open to a specific page?
Use case is for psalm books. We play a different psalm per week -- (ie this week is on page 30, next week on page 32, etc..). As this spans over a 3 year time frame, I'd like to avoid having these all broken out as individual songs as I think this would be easier for building out each week's set list (basically we practice the song prior to the service, then I could simply bookmark/tag it so when I get to that piece in the set list, it will already be on that page).
Not the end of the world to simply enter a page number when I get to the piece and have it pull up, but thought I'd ask if this feature already exists. :-) A few less touches on the tablet.
Setlist preview: Songbook vs. Mobilesheets |
Posted by: banjogit - 01-12-2025, 09:25 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (11)
Hello to everyone,
my band is currently in the process of switching from the “Songbook” app to the “Mobilesheets” app.
So far there's no problem, except for one thing that we're missing in "Mobilesheets":
In Songbook you can get a quick overview of a playlist content (= setlist) by tapping on the playlist. The songs are previewed on the right as you can see in this screenshot:
However, this doesn't seem to work in Mobilesheets:
The setlist must be opened each time in order to see its content and then you have to exit it again to tap on another setlist.
Is there a way in Mobilesheets to preview the setlist contents in a fast way like there is in Songbook?
I'm grateful for every hint.
Best regards
Smart button for Half Page turn |
Posted by: Guizmonium - 01-10-2025, 01:35 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (5)
Hi !
First, thanks for the app and for being so active here.
There is one spot on an sheet where I need a half page turn.
I found the Smart button to do just that but when I click on it nothing happens !
Is there a setting that I missed ?
Thanks !!
Problems with copy and paste |
Posted by: key112 - 01-09-2025, 03:07 AM - Forum: MobileSheets (Android)
- Replies (3)
Hi, I am having some problems copying and pasting parts of a score. I will try to explain it to see if it is understood. I'm trying to edit a score with repeats and jumps, so I duplicate some pages and have to delete things on them or add by copying and pasting from others. The problem I'm running into is that pasting over one page also shows the same section pasted on the duplicate page. For example, I duplicate page 7 of a score and put it at the end, let's say it is with the number 14 now. On this page 14 that I have duplicated, I paste a selection, and what happens that it also appears pasted on page seven. If I delete the pasted section, dissapears on both pages. I haven't been able to solve it. However, when I annotate them they work as separate pages. I've tried with other scores an seems the same.
Could it be possible for them to also work as standalone pages when copying and pasting? Or is it the only mode of operation?
Thank you as always, because the application is great.
Best regards