As for your request about the touch actions to go previous/next song, I'm happy to make that change, but I would sure like some feedback from other users that that's what they want as well. Hopefully others will chime in.
Thanks for that Mike. If people really like the current behaviour, then I guess a second "enable" setting for the explicit commands would give that. It seems unnecessary to me, but may make it simpler for some.
To reiterate for clarity (I hope)
You can define explicit touch areas to move to the next and previous song.
What happens now - If "Automatically Load Next Song" is turned on in the library settings. Then the explicit touch areas work and when you do a page turn at the end or beginning of a song it will move to the next or previous song. If "Automatically Load Next Song" is turned off, neither of these things work.
What I would like is for "Automatically Load Next Song" to only affect the page turn. So if you have explicit areas set for next and previous song, these will always work. You can turn them off by undefining those areas, but if really wanted a new setting could be added to turn these on and off too..