04-27-2019, 03:20 AM
I feel kind of sorry to have still wishes connected to the d&d-support and smart buttons, but I hope they will be useful and not too difficult to implement:
- I found out that smart buttons for files created by d&d will open the file read-only. This does not happen if I create the button manually using the list, so it would be great if you could fix it (I use it e.g. for having the score at hand at a rehearsal while using MSP with my part, but I'd like to be able to annotate the score anyways).
- a) Sometimes it would be great to be able to open a folder in explorer via smart button (many files at hand and no path fixing if some of them change their name). At the moment, this is not possible via adding a button manually (since the dialogue will insist in choosing a file to continue) and if I d&d a folder just nothing happens. Maybe you could add this?
b) Alternatively, I could imagine to have a function like "show currently viewed file in explorer" available for the touch actions. For me, this would mostly do the same or at least I would easily be able to add shortcuts there. It's surely much faster than call overlay | edit | files list | info | show (5 taps and still 3 more to go back to your music).
Of course nobody will have a problem if you implement both ways, too, I think, but maybe you have even further ideas connected to this.