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wifi connected, clients not connecting
When you experience the connection poroblems:
Have you checked that all the laptops and especially your "server" laptop have a good wifi connection to your "venue" wifi box?
I mean on Windows operating system level, without even starting MobileSheets?
E.g. try to browse the admin-webpage of the wifi box.

For me your explanation sounds like there are too many other WiFi networks at those locations where you run into problems, leading to fierce competition on the wifi spectrum.
I guess that your "venue" wifi box is typically located somewhere out of sight.
Maybe better luck if you place the wifi box somewhat in the middle of the performers?

You could check the wifi spectrum with some suitable app on your mobile phone (e.g. "Wifi Analyzer" on Android) to see if your box's wifi is too coverd by other signals.
Similar analyzer programs are also available for use on the windows machines.

Another alternative could be if you connect the laptops to a LAN switch using LAN cables. But this would (of course) increase the cabling mess on the stage.
And you need to setup a DHCP server on one of the laptops. Or use your wifi box's built in DHCP server. Or use static IP addresses.
MS Surface Pro7, Win10;  Samsung 10" tablet, Android;   MouKey foot pedal

Messages In This Thread
wifi connected, clients not connecting - by basd - 12-16-2023, 04:29 PM
RE: wifi connected, clients not connecting - by a.mik - 12-17-2023, 05:47 AM

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