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once you do a search, touch a song to play, Back button, you get back to the search list (this is good) but...
is there a way to clear the search field?
Tapping Back again could bring up the normal Songs index (or whatever you have selected in Settings), whereas at the moment (MS v2.9) it exits the app.
Or perhaps a X to clear the search field bringing up the keyboard to type in the next song.

Also when you touch the song to open it, the keyboard stays up - could it be made to dismiss since you do not need it after the song is displayed?
I've implemented an 'X' for the next update to clear the field, as other users also suggested this already. I have a huge list of small changes like that coming. I'll add the keyboard dismissal when a song loaded. This is a great suggestion - thanks.
you are doing an amazing job, thanks. Best wishes.
thanks, v3 has the X to clear the field.

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