Posts: 6
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Joined: Nov 2018
I sing in a pretty big chorus that has hundreds of songs in the repertoire. All of them are loaded into my MobileSheetsPro library. We normally perform without music, but during rehearsal, it's handy to have all of the songs. I've read the pop-up disclaimer about the software's not really designed for the display size of a phone, but phone's always with me when the tablet might not be. Depending on the song, it's really useful to turn the phone into landscape and get a larger visual representation. When I'm doing this, though, a 1/2 page turn misses a lot of the middle of the page. Is there a way to set the page turn size from 1/2 page in landscape to 1/3? I looked around a bit at automatic scrolling, but that's not really what I want to do.
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If you switch the display mode in landscape orientation to vertical scrolling, then each tap will turn about 1/3 of the screen. Will that work for your needs?
Posts: 6
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Joined: Nov 2018
Well, not really... For my music, it just changes what's not visible after a page turn, so I went back to the display settings I was using before. But after taking a closer look, I think it'd would be impossible to page by either 1/2 or 1/3 and always get the visibility you want, simply because each piece of music can be laid out differently. Sometimes you'll see each system contain one bass and one treble clef, sometimes two of each, sometimes the page will mix these up, and of course, the number of systems can be different from one page to the next.
I think, though, that I've found a couple of things in the software that will fix me up just fine. When in landscape mode/full screen, top of the page, I can slide the page up to the next system with my thumb, after which a 1/2 page turn gets me desired visibility to the bottom of the page. This solution worked a lot better for me after I changed the default hot key---the one that brings up the overlay; before, I'd inadvertently get the overlay when I didn't want it. The second thing I found is that, for each piece, when I go into landscape mode/full screen, it can help if I use my thumb and forefinger to adjust the scaling to be slightly smaller, until a couple of systems are visible. Then 1/2 page turns seem to work pretty well. I'm not sure, though, if the on-the-fly scaling persists per individual song or if this has to be done each time the song is opened. In any case, it seems to work fine.
Thanks for an exceptional product that just gets better every day.