MobileSheets (Android) Discussion
- Using MP3 files? (3 Replies)
- Speed up page load (17 Replies)
- Is bigger update planned? (14 Replies)
- Upgrade help (3 Replies)
- Partial backup? (1 Reply)
- Song Title Format with Date_created, Date_modified? (13 Replies)
- Attach mp3 to single sheet of multi sheet Pdf (2 Replies)
- Display of PDF (4 Replies)
- Half page turn in portrait mode (3 Replies)
- combining multi-part annotation into one that can be copied (9 Replies)
- Backup Library temp file location (3 Replies)
- Copying and Pasting Notes from Word Doc to Song Notes (4 Replies)
- Text Toolbox missing? (18 Replies)
- MSP Compatability with Marshmellow os (3 Replies)
- Observations on the new 'page tint' feature. (1 Reply)
- Making a collection of setlists (2 Replies)
- MIDI tempo Sync (8 Replies)
- Android Emulation (0 Replies)
- Export PDF via Companion? (6 Replies)
- import MusicXML file (3 Replies)