MobileSheets (Android) Discussion
- Colour coding lyrics (1 Reply)
- copy and paste possible??? (15 Replies)
- Android --> Apple? or better Android tablet? (3 Replies)
- Help with importing real/fake book pdfs (1 Reply)
- Help editing these csv files for MSP (1 Reply)
- Backup (4 Replies)
- Does not exist (2 Replies)
- Pen tool dot size (8 Replies)
- Advance from last page to the next song with a footswitch (9 Replies)
- Copy one collection only to 2nd tablet (1 Reply)
- Oddity on alphabet search feature (11 Replies)
- How to include like a scanner by the tablet and MSP ? (3 Replies)
- Lot PDF w CSV on a new tablet, need help before manip ! (4 Replies)
- problem after import pdf with csv. (3 Replies)
- Tablet crash - new download (1 Reply)
- Mobilsheets with PSR SX600 (0 Replies)
- Feature request: screen rotation in desktop (dex) mode (11 Replies)
- Dealing with same song, but different instruments (2 Replies)
- MobileSheets "Lite"? (2 Replies)
- Opinion on pre-amps? (0 Replies)